Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday.... are you kidding me!

 Today was not a GOOD FRIDAY for the Baker house! This morning while we are all getting ready in our normal routine, Ella had an accident! Most mornings Sherry (my mother in law) cooks us scrambled eggs since Ella loves them so much. It has become a morning thing for all of us to sit at the table and eat. This morning we were running a little late and instead of having scrambled eggs I was in the mood for hard boiled! I guess it was because Ella and I had just decorated easter eggs a couple nights ago. Well I was boiling the eggs... wait let me prep this... When Sherry makes scrambled eggs in the morning, Ella ALWAYS helps. Sherry is sooooo good about keep Ella at a distance but letting her help. Ella always repeats "never touch the stove. Its very very hot." So YES she is very aware of the stove and what it can do. (I am sure you are starting to see where this is going.) So my eggs were done and I pulled the pan off the stove to the sink and turned off the stove. Ella came in behind me and saw the steam from the hot water I was pouring out. She said, "Mommy whats burning." Since her stool was right behind me she got on it and guess where she laid her hand...Yep, right on the extremely hot stove top where I had just moved the pan. OH MY WORD. She screamed so loud and of course I freaked! Right when I heard her scream I knew what had happened. I rushed her to the sink and left her hand under there for 15 minute then after I stopped freaking out made a call the DR. To my very pissed off surprise, the DR office does not take calls till 9am which was 9 minutes aways. I MEAN COME ON!!!! So we filled up a big slurpee cup and kept her hand in it. Keeping her hand in the cold walk calmed her down and kept the burn from hurting, but boy, if I took it out the screaming began again. After our 9 LOOOOONNNNNGGG minutes, I got a hold of the DR office and they said they could see her at 11am. REALLY 11am, I thought this was an emergency! BUT after talking with the wonderful Dr Hampton (love him), he reassured me that what we were doing was the right thing and it would be better to comfort her at home till we went up there. We propped her up on the couch in the most comfy position with all her bears and pillows. She had a nice big mixing bowl of water by her side with her hand just resting in it. As long as we keep her attention off her hand and the situation, she would acted like her normal super silly self. I took her up to the Dr when it was time and the car ride was miserable. I first tried to take the mixing bowl in the car with us and towels all around her in case it sloshed around. We made it around the street and back. So then I got the big slurpee cup and put her hand in that. Note: changing from one water container to another was a screaming fit. The cup worked so we sped off the to DR. As we were exiting, the ramp was backed up, so I did what any mother would do to hurry that process up.... I put on my emergency lights and drove down the side lane. Nothing was going to stop this Mommy from getting her hurt little girl to the DR.  I put her in the umbrella stroller and wheeled her in, cup and all. I wonder what the other parents were thinking when we pulled into the waiting room. A little girl, all teary eyed, hand submerged in ice water, with towels all around her. They brought us right back and then the REAL fun started. Just to get Ella to pull her hand out of the cup was a fight and then when the DR put a glob of Noxzema looking stuff on there, she lost it. I was holding back tears so hard and I just wanted to take all the pain away from her. I hated being helpless. The Noxzema looking stuff started to help a little bit but it definitely did not do the trick. Dr. Hampton said for the next couple of days the main focus was pain management then treatment. Hearing that as a Mom is not fun. He gave her liquid hydrocodine type medicene for the pain and a big container of that Noxzema stuff (its not really noxema but it looks just like it). He called it in as a rush so we could go straight to the pharmacy and pick it up. The best part of the doctor visit was as were leaving and she was still hysterical she remembered to ask Dr. Hampton for a toy snake. We always get one when we check out and she remembered!!!  By the time we got to CVS, Ella was in a better mood and the tears had stopped. Her hand is all bandaged up (see below) so everyone asked what happened. Let me tell you, people do not give good looks when they hear a little kid burned themself.  

Well today has definitley been one of my worst, but we got through it and my little girl is back to acting just like herself. Its amazing what kids can handle and its really amazing what MOM's can't! :) Ella James, I love you sooo much and hope your little hand gets better fast!


  1. I did a very similar thing when Brooks was about 8 months old. The worst feeling in the world... I hope she gets better soon!!!

    Katie May

  2. Poor baby! Those burns hurt so bad! Christian laid his little hand on a burner before. I guess it happens to us all, but surely doesn't make it any easier. Hope she gets better quick!
